Eastern Bluebird
- f/8
- 1/1600 sec
- ISO640
Eastern Bluebird at Wilde Lake on April 5, 2021. I have not found much in the neighborhood due to warbler migration. With the weather sunny and in the 60's for a second day, a trip to the local lakes for more interesting birds was in order. I found less waterfowl this time around at Lake Kittamanqundi, only seeing a few geese and mallards. The sparrows were also slim along the fitness trail. It had been many months since I've been at Wilde Lake so I continued along the trail.
Being midday, the light was terrible and many birds were not out. I came across this Bluebird pair flying off the path and followed. The tree provided a green backdrop, which I thought would be a nice contrast to their blue coloring. The male flew off rapidly but the female stayed in the tree. I slowly and cautiously walked around in front of her. She flew after her mate eventually, flying onto private property.
My first Osprey of the year was also today.
Lens - Tamron 150-600mm F/5-6.3 Di VC USD G2 @ 600mm on Nikon D500