Full Moon 01/30/2018
- f/7.1
- 1/500 sec
- ISO100
Full moon evening before the lunar eclipse. I had attempted to photograph the lunar eclipse around 6:30 AM but a giant cloud had moved in front of the moon. I tried to focus the moon both manually and auto-focus but was not able to get any detail through the clouds. By the time the eclipse was starting (~ 6:47 AM), the clouds had not moved and the moon was already setting below the treeline.
I found out (via my own experience and research on the internet) that a full moon is not the best time to photograph the moon. In my prior moon photo, you can see all the details of craters in the area by the unlit part of the moon. You get very little detail with the sun reflecting on a full moon. I used post-processing to make the photo more realistic to what one sees with the naked eye. (The moon tends to come out bright even underexposed.)
Lens - Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3 Di VC USD @ 400mm on Nikon D5500