International Space Station timelapse
- f/4.5
- 1.6 sec @ 6 sec intervals (19 images)
- ISO1600
International Space Station had a several minute flyby at 9:38 PM on August 09, 2017. The flyby was set to be visible very high above the horizon. We set up in the field behind our apartment with a tripod and the camera set to take 21 pictures with 6 second intervals at 1.6 second exposure. We initially missed the bottom trail as it was hard to see the ISS. I stitched together 19 images (which was a task in itself) and changed the colors to make the sky stand out more. You can also see the star trails due to having the lens open longer. This was basically a shot in the dark hoping it would work and was pleased with how well it came out for a first try.
Lens - AF-P DX NIKKOR 10-20mm f/4.5-5.6G VR @ 15mm on Nikon D5500