Alligator - Huntington Beach State Park
- f/8
- 1/250 sec
- ISO1600
One of many alligators seen at Huntington Beach State Park, SC. There are hundreds of alligators in this particular park throughout the marsh. While we did not see this happening, one occasionally has to stop their car or back away on foot as the alligators use the roadway and trails to cross between the marshes. In this part of the marsh, there is a paved bike trail approximately 6 feet above the marsh's water level. This allows you to view the alligators (and other wildlife) very closely but caution is still needed as one of the alligators we saw nearly started making an attempt to cross from below.
Lens - Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3 Di VC USD @ 400mm on Nikon D5500