Spotted Cucumber Beetle
- f/5.6
- 1/1250 sec
- ISO560
Spotted Cucumber Beetle on October 14, 2020. With fall here, my itch to photograph something other than the occasional bird from the balcony was growing. I took my camera out around the neighborhood on a slightly chilly day for leaves and insects. My neighbors across the road have a small garden at the front of their house. I stopped over early afternoon while there was still light coverage on the entire garden. This particular beetle was climbing on a yellow flower. My concern with photographing bugs on flowers with similar colors is that they will blend in too well with each other. I was pleased with how this turned out.
While my neighbor and I were talking, a Monarch showed up on their butterfly bush. I walked home to get my 100-400mm lens but the butterfly was less cooperative upon my return several minutes later.
Lens - Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM Macro Lens on Nikon D500