Sleeping Trumpeter Swan
- f/5.6
- 1/640 sec
- ISO400
Trumpeter Swan at Lake Elkhorn on 12/21/17. It was cold that morning, so there was not much movement from her. The sun was behind me, making it almost seem like sunset out. There were several ducks around her paddling. There was a heron behind the duck in some of the photos that morning.
This particular bird (P95 tag) is a female, 3 or so years old. Yellow tag indicates this bird is originally from Ontario. Was spotted in searches there several months ago. Pretty rare to find one in our area as they are primarily found in Alaska, Western Canada and the US in states along Canadian border. I have gone many times to photograph her. She has been making the lake her home since approximately December 15. She had disappeared for several days from about December 22 until December 27.
Lens - AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-200mm f/4-5.6G VR II @ 200mm on Nikon D5500