Snowy Egret
- f/7.1
- 1/1600 sec
- ISO220
Snowy Egret on July 25, 2019. Every summer numerous heron and egret species gather at a small marsh in North Beach, Maryland. Of interest to me were juvenile Tricolored Herons, which are my favorite wading bird species. This particular day was slightly disappointing for what was an hour drive before sunrise. When birdwatching around coastal areas near the Chesapeake, one has to be mindful of the tide tables. I don't recall whether I checked the table the day before but the marsh water was quite high just after sunrise. The water was at least a foot high in the accessible portion of the marsh so wading birds were staying away from the boardwalk. The smaller heron and egret species will not forage for food in water that high.
I was able to get shots of the Tricoloreds on the boardwalk railings but the Snowy Egrets stayed far out in the marsh, despite there being over 40 of them! It was midday at this point and the sun was becoming harsh for photographs. A Snowy would come close for a minute and wade behind the large islands of reeds. It was surprising to get a good shot of one being slightly cooperative.
I was able to get shots of several Tricolored that day but no shots in the water. I went back two days later and had more success. The marsh water was very low and the wading birds were happily foraging near the boardwalk.
Lens - Tamron 150-600mm F/5-6.3 Di VC USD G2 @ 600mm on Nikon D500