Red-bellied Woodpecker
- f/7.1
- 1/640 sec
- ISO560
Red-bellied Woodpecker foraging in the woods on October 24, 2020. The sun was out this afternoon so I walked to the retainment pond down the street, following my normal route along the forest edge. This Red-bellied was the first bird I encountered. It was calling deep in the woods and flew within view after a minute. It then flew up on this broken branch, storing this nut in the broken part. Several other Red-bellieds have also been storing food in the trees around the complex.
The remainder of my walk was mostly quiet. Several wasps and grasshoppers were on the rocks at the pond. Despite having tick spray on, I try to limit my time near the tall grass underneath the power lines. A female Downy Woodpecker surprised me in the apartment complex nearby and allowed me to photograph her at close range.
Lens - Tamron 150-600mm F/5-6.3 Di VC USD G2 @ 600mm on Nikon D500