House Sparrow
- f/7.1
- 1/640 sec
- ISO800
Male House Sparrow on October 20, 2020. My neighbors mentioned in my previous post have attracted several dozen Pine Siskins with a mix of Sunflower and Nyjer seed. It is an irruption year for these species and many of my fellow birdwatchers have also posted high numbers at their homes. With several of their feeders being occupied by the siskins, the common birds are not pleased. Both the titmice and sparrows avoid the feeders until the siskins flock up into nearby trees. The sparrows would perch in the butterfly bush, awaiting their turn for a meal. Most ended up in their regular spot in the bushes, occasionally flying nearby and ultimately sitting on my neighbor's birdbath.
Despite House Sparrows being an invasive species in the United States, I never pass up an opportunity to photograph a bird with a great background.
Lens - Tamron 150-600mm F/5-6.3 Di VC USD G2 @ 600mm on Nikon D500