Great Blue Heron Reflection
- f/8
- 1/2000 sec
- ISO1600
Great blue heron at the Forebay Pond at Lake Elkhorn. I try to get shots occasionally where I see an interesting composition (good example like this with the reflection). I am normally not a fan of having the green from the leaves reflecting on the water but it contrasts the shoreline color nicely. I wait with excitement for shots like this as the heron will soon make a dive attempt for a meal. My shutter speed is set higher around heron because of this. The pond is very marshy, with overgrowth and reeds around the edges and no real shoreline to walk on. I found a way down through some recently cut grass and stood in half an inch of mud for 30 minutes while observing. I was able to walk about 50 feet along the shore before the water and mud prevented me from going further for photos. (I would not consider this water clean enough to step through unless you had on fishing boots or high boots.)
Lens - Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3 Di VC USD @ 400mm on Nikon D5500