Red-shouldered Hawk
- f/8
- 1/640 sec
- ISO720
Red-shouldered Hawk on February 3, 2021. I walked back to Lake Elkhorn with my camera today in hopes that the spillway pond was more frozen, pushing the ducks closer to the edge. Unlike Sunday, there was barely any ice. All the Hooded Mergansers were in the middle. I crouched down along the shore for an hour back and forth but none came close.
On my way back home, I decided not to stop for Sparrows and Juncos. The light was terrible and I remembered that having snow as a backdrop is somewhat bland in my opinion. Falling snow in the background is fine. A pure white background is meh. After having this realization, I just headed home disappointed. A short time later, as I was walking fast to get home, this hawk was perched over the river. It did not stay due to my footsteps crunching the bridge in the snow. It was on high alert looking for a meal and me shifting made it more agitated.
Lens - Tamron 150-600mm F/5-6.3 Di VC USD G2 @ 600mm on Nikon D500