Cooper's Hawk
- f/8
- 1/500 sec
- ISO560
Cooper's Hawk in search of a meal on December 6, 2020. My cats have enjoyed the birds and squirrels coming to the balcony for food. This morning, one of them was focused intently out there. When I went to the window, a hawk flew off and landed in my neighbor's yard. I grabbed my camera and ran across the street. It was no longer there due to dog walkers but still close. I saw it for a brief moment and was able to relocate it a few houses down. Despite being cold (no coat, no hat, no gloves, and sandals), I did not want to leave this fantastic opportunity.
This particular hawk eventually flew down to the ground at the corner for a presumed House Sparrow meal. It made a move on a bird but failed and moved up into the nearest tree. I stood in the street for a few moments shooting it but I shifted too close and it flew off to a house up the street. Since I was not dressed for winter shooting, I considered that to be good enough. This was the final shot taken.
Lens - Tamron 150-600mm F/5-6.3 Di VC USD G2 @ 460mm on Nikon D500