Juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk
- f/6.3
- 1/400 sec
- ISO800
Juvenile red-shouldered hawk making a brief appearance at a small pond in Howard County on August 8, 2018. While photographing green heron yesterday, this flew in front of myself and another photographer and perched in a nearby tree. I thought at first it was a dove as I only caught a brief glimpse until I looked up at the branch. Was staring at the ground about 6 feet up and about 12 feet away, looking for a meal. There was a third photographer who was on the opposite side but the hawk flew off once he started making his way over. It was not found again as it flew off beyond the pond and out of view.
Lens - Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3 Di VC USD @ 400mm on Nikon D5500