Baby Green Heron
- f/8
- 1/320 sec
- ISO1600
One of four green heron babies at Wilde Lake venturing from the nest. I spent about 16 hours at Wilde Lake photographing the mother sitting nearby the nest and attempting to get shots of the babies in the past week. The nest is tucked away about 15 feet above the water and would be next to impossible to find on just a brief glance. I had some very kind photographers and birdwatchers show me where the nest was, which still took some time to remember the exact location. The babies will soon be wandering further out of the nest and eventually onto the branches in the open. I'm unsure how much longer it will be until that point but intend to continue to go over as often as I can to observe. The other babies were content staying in the nest.
I shared this video of the babies jumping around the nest on the MD Birding Facebook group. It is a public video and does not require logging into Facebook to view.
Lens - Tamron 100-400mm f/4.5-6.3 Di VC USD @ 400mm on Nikon D5500